
coffee shop diary #1

(origionally on typewriter)

There he sat..alone, content, and insane. It had been just two days since the fight. He lit up. Small house for here. Glass ashtray, glass coffee, glass relationship. Some might call it "people watching" but we do like to think of it as Sociological research. That sounds ways less stalkerish. Hung-over, debating weather or not to roll something more substantial than a cigarette he thought, "Tom Waits sounds way better on analog," which is true.

Jane doesn't love you but that's alright. She loves another but don't fret, he is better than you.

Things will work out with Jane if they are supposed to, and if she's not the best one out there for me...then I don't need anyone. But I don't believe that shit.

Who is this asshole anyway? Probably someone from skelletones..those guys are all pricks. I never knew why she liked it there. Complete failure. How could anyone end up with someone so different?

She doesn't even get along with those guys who are like brothers to me...how could I be so stupid? An idea is a powerful thing. When great minds come togather, who knows what you can accomplish...

But I can't do anything without her.

What the hell are you talking about?? She listened to pop radio!

And I was sleeping with two other girls...


At 1:10 PM, Blogger Ian said...

In reference to your comment posting here...

1) Wow! How did you find my posting already? I just started out this blog thing ^_^.

2) It really depends on what kind of needs you have. I'm assuming you want a free service.

Streamload is perfect if you are just using it for backup because its only downloads that count aginst your quota. Or simply stick with ~100MB of files. They have a file-size limit of 10MB each, but you can split up bigger files pretty easily (winrar). The software is a bit fancy (requires java?) but works fine on mac/pc.

Their primary angle is the paid accounts, where you can then stream your mp3/video files right off their service without having to store it on your local disk. Sounds like a good idea but its money.

If you already have a yahoo account, there is also the rarely-mentioned briefcase.yahoo.com. Its only 25MB, but there are no limits. Its a very simple interface and just uses standard HTML interfaces so it should work (just about) anywhere.

There used to be a lot more options out there, but as the dot-com bust occured a lot closed up shops. You can also just attach the files you want to store and store it on a (spare?) gmail account (or variant). Its somewhat of a waste but it works.

You can also put it up on a free webhosting providor (geocities?). Put up a blank index.html page and your files are pretty much invisable. Then you can use ftp to upload your files.

So I would say go with either of the first two. If you have simple needs then I say go with yahoo. The company isn't going to go anywhere. If you want a bit more space then go with streamload.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger HM said...

I liked this item. I also like "Really Means" but it kind of made me laugh (which I am sure is not what you were going for). Good luck to you. The most important thing is to write about what you like and keep doing it until you find your voice. Best of luck. HM


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